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How to make the vegan trend work for your hotel restaurant: 5 simple tips

Tiempo de lectura 6 min tiempo de lectura

Hey there, fellow hotel chefs, food & beverage managers! If you're wondering about bringing vegan and vegetarian dishes to your hotel restaurant menu, we've got some great insights for you. Don't worry, it's not complicated – just keep reading to discover why it's a good idea and how to make it happen!

Why vegan options matter for your hotel restaurant

Guess what? More and more people are into veg(etari)anism nowadays. From 2020 to 2022, the number of individuals identifying as vegans jumped from 5% to 8%! Even individuals who usually eat meat are loving vegan meals. Younger individuals, especially those under 35, are all about plant-based eating.

Incorporating vegan dishes into your hotel restaurant menu offers four distinct advantages. Firstly, it broadens your customer base, appealing to vegans, vegetarians, health-conscious individuals, and diverse eaters. This inclusivity brings positive word-of-mouth and free publicity. Secondly, embracing vegan options can boost sales and profit margins. Contrary to assumptions, vegan ingredients like tofu and chickpeas are often more cost-effective than meat, enhancing your bottom line. Thirdly, providing vegan choices retains loyal customers seeking healthier and planet-friendly alternatives. Lastly, it showcases your restaurant’s adaptability and fosters culinary innovation, attracting those who value progressive dining experiences. In a nutshell, introducing vegan dishes is a strategic move for your hotel restaurant.

5 tips for serving plant-based dishes

Tip 1: Highlight your new menu items

When you add vegan dishes, make sure individuals know they're there. You can put them in a special part of the menu or use a little symbol. You can also make it clear at the breakfast buffet what the vegan or vegetarian dishes are by using cards or name tags. This helps vegans see you're thinking about them. And don't forget to mention that some meat dishes can be made vegan if someone wants. Good communication is key! Mention it on your website and on restaurant search tools like Yelp or Happy Cow. Happy cow is a platform for vegetarian and vegan restaurants and people looking for these kinds of dishes often look for the right restaurant here. Check it out! 

Looking for inspiration? Check out the wide range of vegan products offered by Vandemoortele.

Tip 2: Tailor your menu to your hotel’s vibe

Stay true to your hotel's unique style and atmosphere. If your hotel restaurant is known for its fantastic breakfast spreads or signature dishes, consider adding a vegan twist to these favourites. For instance, offer a mouthwatering vegan omelette with a variety of plant-based fillings, or introduce a delightful vegan spin on your famous pasta dish. By aligning your vegan options with your hotel's distinct personality, you'll create a memorable food experience that caters to all types of guests. Remember, your vegan offerings should blend seamlessly with the overall charm of your hotel.

Tip 3: Mix and match on the menu

This is something you should do regardless of adding veggie or vegan options to your menu. Have you noticed that certain items on a menu often work well together? And that grouping these items together encourages diners to purchase these dishes? When adding your vegan dishes to your menu, make sure you pair them with complimentary dishes to boost your sales.

Tip 4: Train your staff

Make sure you provide employees with proper menu training. So they can answer the questions guests will certainly have without having to check with the kitchen. Questions could range from what ingredients are used, what protein options are available, or whether the dishes are gluten-free. This training will also help your waiters cross and upsell, which will boost your returns in the long run. At Vandemoortele, we offer detailed product information , which include all these important details.


Tip 5: Make your vegan dishes appealing and original

Don't settle for boring salads. Spend time thinking about cool vegan dishes to add. There are so many possibilities! From vegan mac and cheese to black bean burgers and even vegan ice cream. Variety is key, so have vegan options for starters, mains, and desserts. Plus, vegan dishes can be cheaper, so it's a win-win!

Discover some recipes

Discover some recipes

A win-win for your hotel

 Don't worry if you're unsure about adding vegan dishes. It's actually a smart move for your hotel restaurant. Not only is it good for the planet, but it's also good for business! More people want plant-based foods, and you can grab a piece of that pie. So, get creative and start adding those yummy vegan options to your breakfast buffet and dinner menu. Your guests will love it!